(910) 358-4027 | angelicelrod@gmail.com
Is Somatic Coaching for you?
Do you…
Feel mentally and emotionally charged?
Feel nervous, unsafe or guarded in social situations?
Feel disconnected, numb, unmotivated OR hypervigilant, restless and unable to relax?
Struggle with anxiety, depression, PTSD/CPTSD or other mental health challenges?
After learning the depth of Somatic Experiencing, you will…
Increase your body awareness and understanding of how trauma becomes trapped in the body.
Feel more present, safe, and connected.
Learn strategies to help you emotionally regulate.
Take home different tools to strengthen your mental and emotional health long-term.
Somatic Experiencing is an inclusive and trauma-informed space to learn and experience healing in new ways. This includes elements of the following, all of which are adapted to everyone’s unique needs:
Gentle yoga postures
Sound therapy
Conscious Touch
Still have a question?
Interested but not yet ready to commit? Then shoot me an email at angelicelrod@gmail.com or book a free discovery call below.
All questions are welcome, from program details to how to book, I am here to help. This offer can be tailored to online sessions or in-person sessions.