Somatic Support Online is an opportunity to drop in for a weekly check-in with your mental, emotional and somatic health. Each week we gathered to explore techniques that help cultivate deeper co-regulation and self-regulation experiences. Together we explore tips and tricks to improve nervous system health. In each meeting, we will explore experimental practices that will include but are not limited to breath work, gentle stretches, self-massage, tapping, and more. All practices will be adaptable for all bodies and can be done seated on the floor, in a chair, or standing. Included are educational moments to look at the Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Experiencing, Complex Trauma, and the effects of long-term chronic stress on the body. There was a Q & A and sharing time at the end that was not be recorded to ensure the confidentiality of those present.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app